Posted in: Oil Pressure Sensor Sensor

How Does An Oil Pressure Sensor Work?

How Does An Oil Pressure Sensor Work?

The primary function of your oil pressure sensor is to monitor your engine’s oil pressure and transmit this information to the cluster gauge on the instrument panel. Most modern cars come with an electronic control module/unit, which the oil pressure directly communicates to.

When the ignition is turned on, but the engine not running, there is no oil pressure and the switch is closed. The low oil pressure warning light is illuminated. When the engine is started, the oil pump starts working, building the oil pressure. When the minimum required pressure is reached, the oil pressure switch opens and the warning light on the dash turns off.

When there is a problem, the oil pressure sensor will forward the information to the car electronic control module for calculation. The module will trigger the instrument cluster panel, and the engine oil pressure warning light will be illuminated.

Symptoms of a Bad Oil Pressure Sensor

Like many computer-controlled systems in your car, should something misfire there is always a set triggered response. A faulty oil pressure sensor can pose a lot of problems to your engine. Therefore it is a must to keep an eye on it. Following are the most common signs of a bad oil pressure sensor.

  • Check Engine Light
  • Oil Pressure Warning Light
  • Sporadically Blinking Oil Light
  • Strange Noises from Engine
  • Faulty Oil Pressure Gauge Readings
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